The Junee Portable Grandstand, with 180-seat capacity plus 4 wheelchair spaces, can be deployed to activities, festivals and sporting events occurring with Junee Shire.
Features of the Junee Portable Grandstand include:
- Seating for up to 180
- 2 Aisles for easy access
- 4 Wheelchair spaces (complies with the Disability Discrimination Act policy of equal access to all patrons who use the grandstand)
- Sturdy aluminium seats and foot boards
- Includes vertical guard rails and skirts at rear and side
- Can fit in most locations, with 3.5m height, Seating Length 12.2m (overall length including two hitch 13.4m)
The Junee Portable Grandstand will be available for use by Community Groups, Schools and Sporting Clubs, based, or operating, within Junee Shire. A small hire fee will apply as the Portable Grandstand requires a minimum of two trained operators to setup and pack up. It can be set or packed up in approximately one hour.
Due to limited mobility and its' size, it is strongly recommended that the Portable Grandstand is one of the first, if not the actual first, item to be setup at your event and the last item packed up.
The Junee Portable Grandstand is managed by Gasworks Motorsports Inc.
Coming late 2021/early 2022 »
Other Community Trailers Available
You may also wish to check out the other Community Trailers available to not-for-profit community groups and sporting clubs based, or operating, within Junee Shire.