2021 NSW Women’s Week Grants


The NSW Government is encouraging not-for-profit community organisations and local councils within NSW to apply for a grant to hold events and activities that celebrate women during NSW Women’s Week between 8-14 March 2021.

NSW Women’s Week provides local organisations with an opportunity to give back by delivering education, mentoring and participation activities that benefit local women and girls. Women across NSW make important contributions at work, in our families, communities and neighborhoods.

The total grant funding is $100,000 which will comprise of individual grants from $3,000 to $5,000 (exclusive of GST) and grant funding can be used for the direct costs of the event/activity, including promotion, entertainment, catering, venue hire and transport for participants.

Events must promote at least one of the three priorities of the NSW Women’s Strategy 2018-2022, which include:

  1. Women’s Economic opportunity and advancement
    • Fund events/activities that celebrate and promote women’s financial wellbeing and security.
    • Fund events/activities that promote diverse and flexible employment opportunities for women and girls.
    • Fund events/activities that celebrate and promote women in diverse employment categories/industries.
  2. Women’s Health and wellbeing
    • Fund events/activities that celebrate, promote and support a holistic approach to women’s health across the lifespan.
  3. Women’s Participation and empowerment
    • Fund events/activities that promote women’s engagement through social networks, access to information and building confidence using diverse representations of women and girls including Aboriginal women and girls.
    • Fund events/activities that demonstrate support and communication to culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities as well people living in regional and rural NSW.
    • Fund events/activities inclusive of those who identify as lesbian bisexual, transgender or intersex (LGBTI) people.


Applications close Monday January 25, 2021

apply now »