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$60,000 for Junee from the Investing in Rural Community Futures Fund


Hi Junee Community Groups,

Recently the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) visited Junee and held two Roadshow events to discuss their Investing in Rural Community Futures fund (IRCF) with representatives from various Junee-based Community Organisations.

At these Roadshows, it was announced that Junee Shire is one of five regions (along with Leeton, Moree, Nambucca Heads, and Tumut) in Regional NSW to receive $60,000 each from the IRCF Start-Up Grants. 

This $60,000 funding is now available for Junee-based Not-For-Profit, Incorporated, Community Organisations to apply for, to provide community groups with resources to develop leadership skills; provide access to a facilitator and additional grant opportunities; share knowledge and experiences; along with resources to strengthen community networks and foster social capital through community-led initiatives.

NOTE: The IRCF does NOT cover funding of Infrastructure Projects (ie it won’t fund building or renovating a building, or equipping community groups with physical resources) — FRRR have other funding opportunities available for those sorts of projects.

FRRR is currently working with Junee and the other above listed communities to scope projects and identify how they can collectively maximise the use of the initial $60,000 worth of funds. There is also a second stage to the Investing in Rural Community Futures that will see THREE of these locations receive approximately $1.5 million each of additional funding over a five-year period. 

More information about the Investing in Rural Community Futures funding can be found on the FRRR website

How Junee decides to utilise the initial $60,000 from the IRCF Start-Up Grant will help support our expression of interest to participate in the five-year funding program. 

To facilitate this, the project(s) should fund key foundational activities and key not-for-profit capacity needs. Based on discussions between FRRR and representatives from Junee Community Groups attending the Roadshows events, some of the areas that were highlighted that Junee could benefit from, and that met the funding criteria, included;

  • Improved interaction and communication amongst the 100+ community and volunteer groups within Junee Shire
    • Most likely through the funding of a Community Liaison Officer
    • Development of a Community Directory enabling Community Groups (and individuals/potential VOLUNTEERS) to contact and learn more about our local community groups and resources
    • Engaging more volunteers, especially younger
  • The provision of training seminars on:
    • Finding Grants & Writing Grant Applications 
    • Developing Marketing Skills for Community Groups (Using Facebook, Setting up a Website, Contacting and Engaging Traditional Media — Local TV, Radio and Newspapers)
    • Meeting Management & Report Writing (How to conduct and manage meetings, Write meeting minutes; Use accounting software to prepare financial reports)
    • Improved use of Technology by Community Groups and Leadership

These are just initial ideas for consideration. To help determine how Junee would like to utilise the initial $60,000 funding and which community group(s) are best suited to apply, you are invited to a meeting to discuss these matters.

Athenium Theatre
Broadway, Junee
5:30pm — 7:00pm
Wednesday, June 5, 2019. <— NOTE CORRECTION OF DATE

Please take the opportunity to read the IRCF Outline and Program Guidelines before the meeting.
IRCF Outline »
IRCF Program Guidelines »