Community Hall Grant from Essential Energy


Good afternoon Community Halls,

Just a quick heads up about a small $200 (Yes, that’s two hundred dollars) grant available from Essential Energy.

Yes, it is a small amount, but the application process takes almost less time than it’ll take to read this email (unless you need to visit your Hall to grab the National Meter Identifier (NMI) — you can also see it on your Hall’s energy bill)… and EVERY Dollar in YOUR HALL’s coffers can help towards one project or another — get some painting done, fix those doors that have been sticking, or it could even cover the bread and snags for a volunteer thank you BBQ.

Apart form the NMI, your hall will have to have its’ own dedicated bank account (which you should have anyway). You’ll also need to show that the hall is used for community functions, events, meetings and other community focused activities… most, if not all, of the Community Halls in Junee Shire are used by multiple community groups or for community events.

NOTE: Halls located on school, showground or church grounds are, unfortunately, NOT eligible. Same for halls directly managed by local, state or federal governments (but those administered by a Council 355 committee ARE eligible)

The applications close at 5pm on March 20, 2020.

Ps: have you registered your hall (or other community groups) with the Junee Community Directory.  A number of halls, and others, have already have — we’d love to see YOUR hall (and any community groups that utilise your hall) listed too 🙂

Check out the current Directory