Investing in Rural Community Futures program open — April 2021


Are you grant ready?

Investing in Rural Community Futures 9IRCF) logoOnly $178k of $950k awarded to the Junee Community under the Investing in Rural Community Futures program has been committed. Your organisations opportunity is here now to apply for funds to support people, systems, organisational efficiency and strategy.

Contact Kate Brabin, the IRCF Faciliator for Junee, on 0418 296 805 or email, to help determine if your grant dream is eligible through Investing in Rural Communities Futures Grant Round. Kate is here to support your organisation and she encourages you to reach out and discuss your idea or concept for a grant application. She can help you ensure you meet all requirements prior to submission.

Projects must be aligned with the following types of charitable projects and outcomes:

  • Training for NFP Committees and Boards — eg governance, financial, digital literacy or marketing
  • Paid positions where needed — eg to develop and embed policies and procedures; financial systems and processes; evaluation frameworks and processes
  • Skilled support — including strategic and business planning and implementation; financial analysis and planning; resource sharing and collaborative delivery approaches; investigating different models such as social enterprises
  • Future actions/visioning — such as feasibility options for future service needs; scoping of initiatives to drive long term community viability and strengthen NFPs; exploring collective impact approaches to local issues
  • Equipment and materials to support your organisation’s sustainability and organisational effectiveness
  • Costs to come together and share, networks and build the profile of the NFP sector
  • Succession planning for key roles, recruitment of volunteers and members
  • Development of staff and leadership positions
  • Refreshment of brand, website and marketing aspects

Where it makes sense, it is highly recommended NFPs work together to identify how to maximise the use of these funds and how this can support their organisations

Remember the primary focus of the IRCF is Capacity Building for Not-for-Profit organisations — not necessarily infrastructure style projects… so it is highly recommend you check out what was funded in the last round of IRCF — especially look at the projects funded in Leeton and Nambucca Valley.

view more than 1m in grants awarded for community led projects »


  1. Applicant organisations must be a locally governed not-for-profit organisation in Junee with an ABN or Incorporation Certificate. If you’re not sure if your group is eligible, contact Kate Brabin.
  2. Projects must be aligned with the above mentioned types of charitable projects and outcomes.
  3. Although not mandatory, it is strongly recommended that your organisation is listed in the Junee Community Directory prior to submitting an application. To register, please complete the registration form.
  4. ALL potential applicants MUST contact Kate Brabin, the IRCF Facilitator for Junee, to discuss your proposal BEFORE submitting an application.

Remember IRCF focuses on People; Systems & Structures; Sector Efficiencies; and Strategy — NOT necessarily Infrastructure!

For more details, please read the following two documents:
view IRCF Junee Road Map 2020 »

view IRCF ongoing partnerships program guidelines »

Apply for IRCF Funding

Applications close May 7, 2021

apply for IRCF funding »