Regional Events Acceleration Fund


The NSW Government has announced the Regional Events Acceleration Fund to help organisations to attract new major international and domestic events to regional areas and supports existing regional events to grow even bigger and better.

Funding will help meet the costs of attracting or retaining major events, such as premier sporting fixtures or competitions, and helps fund the operational and infrastructure improvements existing events need to increase visitation and length of stay.

The types of events eligible for funding include:

  • major sporting and lifestyle events
  • major food and beverage events
  • major music, art and culture festivals.

The funding is for events hosted in regional NSW between March 2021 and June 2022.

NOTE: Events ineligible for funding through the Regional Events Acceleration Fund include:

  • regular community events such as markets, bazaars, sporting meets (i.e. home/away games, local tournaments), club gatherings (RSL, Rotary, Chambers of Commerce etc.), classes and workshops
  • agricultural/country shows and field days
  • charity funding events
  • regional racing carnivals (i.e. horse or greyhound racing) and events occurring as part of a regular schedule of racing
  • touring events and regular theatre programs
  • business events and conferences
  • events with religious ceremony or celebration as the principal focus (i.e. Easter or Christmas celebrations)
  • community public holiday celebrations (i.e. Australia Day or Anzac Day)
  • Australian or state/territory government owned and/or operated events.

Stream One: Major Event Operations and Infrastructure

Grants between $50,000 and $200,000 are available to support temporary event infrastructure and operational improvements at existing regional events to help increase visitation.

Examples of the types of event infrastructure and operational improvements that are eligible for funding include:

  • securing a major artist/performance to increase an event’s appeal
  • additional temporary seating areas to increase capacity
  • additional staging for a music festival
  • establishing a pop-up camping and caravan site to support more overnight stays.

Stream Two: Major Event Attraction and Enhancement

Grants for a minimum of $100,000 for the attraction, delivery and retention of major international and domestic events to regional areas across regional NSW, with a focus on major sporting events providing national or international exposure.

Regional Events Acceleration Fund Webinar

A Webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 to provide a high-level overview of the program, guidance on the eligibility requirements and the application process and to answer questions from potential applicants.

register for webinar »

Apply for Regional Events Acceleration Fund

Applicants are encouraged to consult with their local council and their regional representative from Destination NSW’s Destination Network prior to applying. For Junee Shire this is Yvette Myhill, General Manager of Destination Riverina Murray NSW.

Read the Regional Events Acceleration Fund Program Guidelines, and check out the Regional Events Acceleration Fund Application Datasheet BEFORE APPLYING!

Applications close Friday, December 15, 2021 OR when funding is fully committed — so get your applications submitted early!

apply for regional events acceleration fund »