The NSW Government’s Regional Youth Radio Program provides one-off grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 for new projects that enable regional young people to lead and participate in youth radio and podcasting activities.
Funding is for new projects that enable young people to lead and participate in youth radio and podcasting activities.
The funding will support new projects enabling young people living in regional NSW to lead and participate in youth radio and podcasting activities such as training and skills development, program or content creation, essential equipment and minor capital works to support youth radio, broadcasting and podcasting programs.
The program provides small grants for the following in rural, regional and remote NSW:
- minor capital works or equipment purchases to upgrade youth radio sound studios
- minor equipment purchases to support the development, recording and broadcasting of youth podcast series
- short courses, training and skills development for young people in radio broadcasting, radio program development, podcast development and broadcasting
- Regional Youth Radio Program development
- youth podcast series development.
Target audience
Young people 12–24 years of age living in rural, regional, and remote NSW are the focus of the program.
Program outcomes
The Regional Youth Radio Program aims to increase young people’s participation in activities that strengthen their opportunities to have a voice, as well as their connection and belonging to their communities.
The Regional Youth Radio Program aims to contribute towards the following outcomes:
- Short-term project outcomes:
- increased participation in youth-led and youth-driven community activities
- young people address and overcome barriers to participation
- young people participate in activities that strengthen their connection to their local community
- young people’s contributions are recognised and valued.
- Medium-term program outcomes
- young people feel a sense of choice and control (self-determination) in their lives
- young people feel a sense of connection and belonging to their local communities.
Community based partnerships
The Regional Youth Radio Program provides a unique platform for eligible organisations to build authentic and meaningful partnerships with young people in their community. The more successful these relationships are, the more likely young people are to seek further opportunities to participate and stay engaged in the community beyond the project.
Funded organisations are to engage young people in a way that evokes a shared sense of responsibility and ownership across all stages of the project including planning, design, delivery and evaluation.
Successful partnerships strike the right balance between enabling youth ownership whilst providing the right organisational supports and resources required to participate. To do this effectively, adults must be willing to engage with young people and work in partnership on issues that are important to them.
Working in partnership with young people requires organisations to encourage project leadership by the young people involved. It is also important that young people are empowered to determine the nature and level of their involvement.
Eligible applicants include regional NSW councils (including Junee Shire Council) and incorporated not-for-profit organisations in regional NSW (including community radio stations, youth radio stations and youth groups).
Applicants must have engaged with young people and involved them in developing the project proposal prior to submitting an application.
Refer to the program guidelines for all other eligibility requirements including eligible and ineligible projects.
Apply for the Regional Youth Radio Grant
Applications close 5pm, January 28, 2022.
Successful applicants will be announced in April 2022. Projects to commence in May 2022 and be completed by June 2023.
apply for the regional youth radio grant »
Radio Junee???
Now Junee has a printed newspaper again, perhaps it is also time for a locally produced radio show or podcast, lead by our local youth!
If your organisation is interested in applying for the Regional Youth Radio grant, please contact Nicholas at Junee Community Network immediately!
We have already developed some budgets that could be used for this project!
We’re very keen to assist local community organisations to write and submit a grant application for the Regional Youth Radio funding.