Sporting Schools Grants (November 2022)


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Sporting Schools offers grant opportunities for primary schools, and targeted grant opportunities for secondary schools in relation to year 7 and 8 students. Grants support the delivery of sport-based programs to help students build the confidence and capability to be active for life. Sport Australia has partnered with more than 35 national sporting organisations (NSOs) to facilitate delivery of Sporting Schools programs.

The objectives of Sporting Schools are to:

  1. improve children’s fundamental movement skills to encourage lifelong participation in physical activity
  2. increase the awareness of the value of sport in schools
  3. engage children in high quality sporting programs
  4. connect children with sport in their local communities
  5. develop the capability and capacity of sport to drive nationwide participation growth.


Any Australian school registered with their respective state or territory school registration authority, which has an Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) ID listed on the Australian Schools List website, can register with Sporting Schools.

To be eligible to apply for a Sporting Schools grant, a school must:

  • be registered with Sporting Schools;
  • provide valid bank details (name, account name, BSB and account number). Note, Account details can refer to the registered school’s general account or a department of education account in the event of a shared service arrangement (such as those currently in place for NSW and WA Department of Education schools);
  • have no outstanding debts with Sport Australia, whether in relation to Sporting Schools or otherwise;
  • not be an organisation named by the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse on its list of Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme; and
  • to submit a primary school grant application – be registered as a primary, combined, or special school with enrolled primary school-aged students (from years P-6); and/or
  • to submit a secondary school grant application – be registered as a secondary, combined, or special school with enrolled secondary school-aged students in years 7 and/or 8.

Be sure to read the Grant Guidelines BEFORE commencing an application!
Also ensure you check out Parameters section

Apply for Sporting Schools Grants, for Term 1, 2023 projects

Applications for projects that will occur in Term 1, 2023, open November 7, 2022 and close November 18, 2022.

apply for sporting school grants for term 1, 2023 projects »