Stronger Communities Programme Round 8

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The Australian Government has announced Round 8 of the Stronger Communities Programme, allowing grant applications to be made for funding between $2,500 and $20,000 for up to 100% of eligible small capital project costs to improve local community participation and contribute to vibrant and viable communities.

This round is a two step process — first you must submit a simple, single page Expression of Interest form to your local member (In Junee’s case, we are part of the Riverina Electorate, so Michael McCormack MP is our local member).

These EOIs are then assessed by an independent panel and those successfully approved will then be invited to submit a full application.

A maximum of 20 projects, to the total value of $150,000, will be funded in each federal electorate.

Eligible Projects

Eligible activities must directly relate to the project and can include:

  • fit-out, alterations and/or extensions to existing premises e.g. air-conditioning, kitchen upgrades, fixtures and fittings, painting
  • purchase and installation of equipment to be used by your organisation for the benefit of the community, such as ICT hardware and software, or creation of a website
  • modifications to leased buildings or grounds, with approval of the owner
  • upgrades, fit-out and construction of community spaces, e.g. men’s sheds, community centres, scout halls etc.
  • development or upgrades of bike paths, streetscapes, skate parks or community gardens
  • upgrades of sporting facilities and fields , e.g. scoreboards, seating, goalposts, fit-out of change rooms, canteen, lights, upgrade drainage and water systems, medical equipment, gyms
  • musical instruments, sports equipment and uniforms that remain the property of the organisation
  • inclusive access to facilities
  • upgrade or installation of park furniture and facilities
  • State Emergency Service and rural fire brigade equipment
  • vehicles and trailers for community transport or services
  • projects on school grounds or school property that demonstrate social benefits to the broader community outside the school.

NOTE: The above list has been significantly changed since Round 7. So be sure to re-read it throughly!

Who can apply?

ANY eligible community group may submit an Expression of Interest form to their local MP.

To be eligible to submit a full application, you must:

  • be invited to apply by your MP to submit a full application (selected from EOIs)
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)

and be one of the following entities:

  • an incorporated not-for-profit organisation (the grant opportunity guidelines provide detail on how you must demonstrate your ‘not-for-profit’ status)
  • a local governing body as defined by the Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995
  • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust with responsibility for a community asset or property. You will be required to provide relevant trust documents.

Past Recipients

Previous rounds of the Stronger Communities Programme have funded many important small-scale infrastructure projects within the Riverina Electorate, including:

  • improvements to the Roundhouse Museum at Junee
  • improved disability access at Wagga Wagga’s 2AAAFM
  • upgrading the Tarcutta Country Women’s Association branch building
  • construction of a disability-safe basketball and netball court for the Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre

Apply for Stronger Communities Programme Round 8

Submissions of the Expression of Interest forms close 5pm, March 20, 2023.

Successful EOIs will be invited to submit a full application — which will need to submitted before May 10, 2023.

Final assessments and allocation of grant funding is expected to occur by the end of June 2023 and successfully funded projects MUST be completed before December 31, 2023.

BEFORE APPLYING be sure to read the Grant Opportunity Guidelines, the Fact Sheet and the Frequently Asked Questions (which can be found at the second link below or by contacting Michael McCormack’s office)

download round 8 eoi form for riverina »

more information about stronger communities programme round 8 »