Volunteer Grants 2022-23


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Under the Australian Government’s Volunteer Grants 2022-23, funding of between $1,000 — $5,000 are available to enable volunteer involving organisations to strengthen community functioning by increasing participation in volunteering.

A total pool of $66,225 will be available within the Electorate of Riverina (which includes Junee Shire).

The Volunteer Grants are designed to support volunteer involving organisations with a high proportion (over 40%) of volunteers to:

  • Help community organisations to support the efforts of Australia’s volunteers;
  • Help community organisations support the inclusion of vulnerable people through volunteering;
  • Encourage, support and increase participation in volunteering;
  • encourage, support and increase participation in volunteering.

The intended outcome of the grants is to strengthen community functioning by increasing participation in volunteering. You must indicate in your application how your organisation will use the grant to support volunteers locally and encourage volunteering in the community.

The department will assess your application on its own merits and consider the following criteria:

  • the extent to which the project meets the objectives of the program
  • whether the project demonstrates value for money.

Volunteer involving organisations can use the volunteer grant for items and activities that support and benefit the organisations volunteers, such as:

  • purchase eligible small equipment items for use by volunteers
  • contribute to volunteers’ fuel costs, during the course of their volunteer work
  • contribute to transport costs for volunteers with disability who are unable to drive
  • assist with the cost of training courses for volunteers
  • undertake background screening checks for volunteers
  • conduct activities to promote awareness of, and increase participating in volunteering opportunities
  • adapt practises to support volunteers’ safety in the current pandemic environment.

Previously Successful Applications

In 2021, five community organisations from within Junee Shire shared in $13,375 funding from the Volunteer Grants; while in 2020, four groups received almost $15,000 in shared funding.

Apply for Volunteer Grants 2022-23

Read the Grant Opportunity Guidelines BEFORE submitting an Expression of Interest.

read guidelines »

Expressions of Interest must be submitted to Michael McCormack’s office before 5pm, September 19, 2022

Only organisations, who have submitted an EOI, and then nominated by their local MP (in Junee’s case, this is Michael McCorrmack) will receive an invitation, in mid-November 2022, to apply for the 2022-23 Volunteer Grants.

Notification of approvals (and unsuccessful applications) will occur in June 2023.

download riverina volunteer grant 2022-23 eoi application form »