The Junee Community Directory will be accessible by the general public to find, and learn more about our local community and sporting groups. The leadership teams of the different Community and Sporting groups will also be able to utilise the Directory to develop networks and relationships with other like-minded organisations.
This directory will be published online at (and we are investigating options on the viability of producing a physical printed version of the directory)
To help us gather the required information to produce the Junee Community Directory; we ask that you complete the Registration Form using the link listed below BEFORE 5pm, March 31, 2020.
Information collected from this form will also assist Junee Community Network to better tailor services and information for different community and sporting organisations.
Before you start
- This registration form will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
- NOTE: There is NO option to Save the form and resume later. It must be completed in a single session.
- We recommend you read through all the Questions AND the Explanatory Notes BEFORE commencing filling out the form, as you may need to look up some information first.
- ALL fields are required to be completed, unless otherwise noted.
- We recommend that one of your organisations’ Office Bearers complete the form eg: President, Secretary or Public Officer.
Register your Junee Shire based Community or Sporting Group
register »