2020 and 2021 have been extremely tough years for fundraising — and we are hoping that 2022 will see a rebirth of community events and fundraising activities.
But, NOW is the time to start thinking about what fundraising events you could run in the new year!
Our friends over at the Fundraising Directory have 25 different ideas. Many are aimed at schools, but most can be adapted for use by virtually any community group or sporting club.
- Children’s Art Work
- Fetes
- Branded Products
- Engraved Pavers
- Cookbooks
- Fun Runs
- Mother’s Day Stalls
- Showbags
- Movie Nights
- 5-Cent Drive
- Environmental Fundraiser
- Tea Towels
- Sponsorship
- Product Drives
- Raffles
- Free Dress Days
- Discos
- Socks
- Sausage Sizzles
- Art Shows
- Wine Fundraising
- Picture Plates
- Trivia Nights
- Passive Fundraising
- Cake Stalls
For more details about each idea, please follow the link below.
Think outside the square!
Even if you think some of the ideas wouldn’t be an obvious match for your organisation (eg Disco or Fun Run) look at ways that your group could partner with local schools, youth groups, sporting clubs or other organisations that might run those types of events — perhaps your group could sell the soft drink, or provide volunteers to sell entry tickets (taking a small cut for your own group) to free up the host organisers volunteers for other tasks.
And don’t forget about the Junee Can-Do Recycling Trailer! Your group could collect the single use cans and bottles discarded at the event to raise funds for your own group.