7 Ways to Improve Your Nonprofit’s Social Media in 1 Hour or Less


Social media is always changing. There’s always a new trend or platform to learn or track, and it’s not always easy to keep up.

While there are no shortcuts to sustained social media success, there are a few low-hanging fruit tips that you can implement quickly and effectively to ensure you’re covering your bases. Robert Carnes, over at Classy.com, provides a few immediate social media improvements your organization can try to see results fast.

Topics covered include:

  1. Check for Consistent Branding on All Social Media Accounts
  2. Select the Social Media Platforms to Focus On
  3. Link to Your Social Media Accounts From Your Owned Media
  4. Follow More Accounts Like Your Own
  5. Use Online Tools to Streamline Your Process
  6. Share Content About Your Audience
  7. Engage Your Invested Audience First

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