Attract new members by asking them to “Check Us Out”

Lions Club International

A constant question we regularly hear from community groups is “How do we attract new members or volunteers?

Coolamon Lions Club recently had a great idea — They invited interested people to come along to a BBQ!.

Using Facebook, they posted a general invite to anyone to “come check us out” at an Open Day, rather than inviting people to a generic meeting, which we all know can often be perceived as stuffy, boring and unexciting — to say the least 🙂

They asked the simple question “If you have thought about joining a community based service club but aren’t sure” and then suggested, “why not come along and check us out.”

They included some basic information in their social media post to briefly explain:

  • Why they were extending the invite
      — need new members to move the club forward
  • What was needed from the potential member/volunteer
      — an interest in your community and a willingness to help raise funds for community projects
  • A recent project they undertook to sh
      — recent Defibrillator Project which saw 12 AED devices purchased in 2020 and installed across the Shire
  • How welcome you’d be made to feel
      — VERY!!!
  • And most importantly When and Where!  — You’d be amazed how often these details are forgotten!

Why not try something similar for your group!

  1. Invite people to a BBQ
  2. Host an informal “drinks and nibbles” gathering
  3. Have a Pizza Night
  4. Host an Open Day of your venue or activity

Basically, try ANYTHING that is NOT a boring meeting!!!

Some tips…
Don’t put the hard sell on attendees… keep formal speeches to a minimum (or NOT AT ALL)
Keep it casual… just chat to people one on one (or one of you to no more than 2-3 visitors) about what you do as a group…
Have a pile of membership forms or information packs on a table next to the exit… IF they are interested, THEN invite them to fill a form in or grab a pack

“Check Us Out” invites Coolamon Lions Club

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