Free Guide: Governance E-Book


Cover of “Governing” by Robin L. Cabral
Want to finally have an engaged Board of Directors, or Committee, for your not-for-profit organisation????

Follow the simple steps in this FREE guide, by Robin L. Cabral of Development Consulting Solutions, to get your board on board and engaged with your fundraising strategy.

As a Committee, or Board of Directors, this group is legally and morally responsible for the health and effectiveness of the Organization. Governance is the process by which the Board operating as a group ensures this.

Many Board of Directors still operate at the management “Day to Day” operational level not realising that, in fact, they have a far more significant and greater responsibility to stewarding the health of the organisation.

As such, this resource provides a concrete roadmap on how to move an organisation from management to governance and as a result strengthening the organisation and ensuring its future stability in the process.

In this 22-page free ebook, Robin cover the following topics:

  1. Board Recruitment
    Nonprofit board development is THAT important. Not just to the organization as a whole, but how it directly impacts fundraisng effectiveness.
  2. Board Self Assessment
    Self-evaluation is an excellent way to maintain board awareness around its responsibilities and the potential need for changes on the board level.
  3. Board Expectations
    Board members need position descriptions for governance at the board level.
  4. Board Committees
    Just like with board directors, board committees need position descriptions and expectations.
  5. The Capital Campaign
    What’s a board to do? In a capital campaign, board members should make the organization a priority.
  6. The Board’s Job
    An inside look into the board’s roles, qualifications, functions, and scope of authority.


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