MacVoices suggests Ways to Improve your Video Conferencing


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The Talk of the Apple Community – MacVoices, with Chuck Joiner
MacVoices, a podcast I’ve listened to/watched for over quarter of a century, recently had a couple of episodes that provide advice for Working from Home and then two episodes have five tips each for improving video conferencing.

The MacVoices episodes can be listened to in your favourite Podcast app, or viewed as video via the MacVoices page.

MacVoices #20105: Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus’ Productivity Tips For Working At Home (Part 1)

Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus has spent most of his career working from home, so what is new to many us is his normal. Bob tells us some of the challenges he faced early on, how he overcame them, and how he can help you overcome yours. He also covers some recommended activities to help you use your time at home effectively, and come out the better side with more training in something that interests you.

Duration: 36:08

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MacVoices #20106: Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus On His Training, Music, Productivity Hardware (Part 2)

Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus continues his discussion of being productive while working from home with an update on the training he provides at Working Smarter For Mac Users, some of the things that he is doing for himself, and two surprising pieces of gear that he uses to stay on track and focused. He also provides some discount offers for his products and outlines how you can get a free scholarship to his training.

Duration: 33:22

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MacVoices #20101: Briefing – Five Ways To Improve Your Videoconferencing

Chuck offers five (plus a bonus) tips on how to look and sound better when conducting video conference calls. (And no, they won’t cost you any money.)

  1. Put camera at eye level
  2. Lights in front… not behind
  3. Look at the camera
  4. Use the phone to call in
  5. Find the mute button and learn to use it
  6. We can see what you are doing

Duration: 12:54

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MacVoices #20107: MacVoices Briefing – Five More Ways To Improve Your Videoconferencing

By popular demand, Chuck provides five more ways to improve your videoconferencing skills. Find out what to do and what not to do. (And no, these five tips won’t cost you any money either.) And Chuck expands up the original bonus tip.

  1. Center yourself on screen
  2. Avoid talking over others
  3. Raise your hand
  4. Keep the camera steady
  5. Use Screenshots
  6. We can see what you are doing

Duration: 10:59

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