EOI for RSA, RCG, First Aid and Food Handling Training Courses (October 2022)

Training Opportunities

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Nationally Recognised Training
Junee Business and Trades and Riverina Community College have partnered together to bring a number of FREE courses to Junee, including:

  • Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety
  • Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
  • Provide Responsible Conduct of Gambling
  • Provide First Aid

These courses are open to anyone who lives in the regional and remote area and is an Australian Citizen.
You must complete a basic Language literacy and numeracy assessment online prior to enrolment.

We encourage ALL community groups that operate BBQ Fundraisers, serve meals or food at events, or prepare food for events to have ALL your members undertake the Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety course.

Every organisation should have at least two people (and more, if possible) qualified to Provide First Aid! We hope you never have to use these skills, but if you do need them, you’ll be glad you have them!

Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety (SITXFSA001)

Dates: Mondays, October 10, 17 & 24, 2022
Duration: 3 Days — 9:00am to 3:30pm each day.
Location: Day 1 & 2: Junee Ex-Services Club. Day 3: Athenium Theatre Commerical Kitchen
Cost: Fee free for anyone who lives in the regional and remote area and is an Australian Citizen

On completion of this short course, a Statement of Attainment for the following units will be issued: SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety. You must attend ALL three sessions to receive your Statement of Attainment.

Provide Responsible Gambling Services (SITHGAM001)

Date: Sunday, October 9, 2022
Duration: 1 Day — 9:30am to 4:30pm
Location: Junee Ex-Services Club
Cost: Fee free for anyone aged 17 or over who lives in the regional and remote area and is an Australian Citizen

Looking for work where there are gaming machines? Or do your work duties involve gaming machines? You will need RCG training.

In this one day course, you will learn the skills and knowledge required to work within a venue where there are gaming machines. Topics within this course include, problem gambling, gambling laws and much more.

On successful completion of this course, a Statement of Attainment for the following units will be issued: SITHGAM001 Provide Responsible Gambling Services
You will also be issued an interim certificate, which will allow you to apply for your competency card through Service NSW.

Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol (SITHFAB002)

Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Duration: 1 Day — 9:30am to 4:30pm
Location: Junee Ex-Services Club
Cost: Fee free for anyone aged 17 or over who lives in the regional and remote area and is an Australian Citizen

On successful completion of this course, a Statement of Attainment for the following units will be issued: SITHFAB002 Responsible service of alcohol
You will also be issued an interim certificate, which will allow you to apply for your competency card through Service NSW.

Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)

Dates: Wednesday 5 & Thursday 6, October 2022 OR Wednesday 9 & Thursday 10, November 2022 FULLY BOOKED OUT
Duration: 2 days — 9:30am to 4:30pm PLUS 1 day ONLINE Course required to be completed at least a week prior to commencement
Location: Junee Ex-Services Club
Cost: Fee free for anyone who lives in the regional and remote area and is an Australian Citizen

On successful completion of this course, a Statement of Attainment for the following units will be issued: HLTAID011 Provide first aid

Register Expression of Interest

You can register your expression of interest in any of the courses by using the form below. Riverina Community College will email you directly with a link to the pre-required Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) test.

If you have already received the “Thank you for Interest Email with the link to the LLN Test” from Riverina Community College for your particular course, you DO NOT have to re-submit an EOI!

EOIs now closed

We will look at running additional courses in early-2023.


Junee Business and Trades Logo
Junee Business and Trades
Junee Business and Trades
Junee Business and Trades (JBT) is a strong vibrant peak body representing the interests of businesses, trades and not-for-profits operating within Junee Shire. They encourage & support business growth and vitality, help increase employment opportunities and attract investment and development opportunities to Junee Shire.


Riverina Community College
    — The VERTO Group
Riverina Community College
Riverina Community College (RCC) s a not for profit, community based organisation specialising in providing quality education training and community programs to the Riverina as a Registered Training Organisation. The College delivers a variety of nationally recognised training including skill sets and full qualifications from Certificate II to Diploma level.