Volunteer Induction — Free Course

Training Opportunities

The Volunteer Induction eCourse, which is included in the Free Membership level by iClick2Learn, is suitable for both first-time volunteers and as a refresher for existing volunteers.

Not having an induction can present massive issues for volunteers and organisations who accept volunteers.

It’s not just a safety issue, it can also lead to a poor volunteering experience when volunteers aren’t aware of foundational information that they need to know and ask for, to maximise their volunteering commitment.

In the Volunteer Induction course you’ll will explore:

  1. The purpose of inductions and site orientations
  2. Volunteer checks and clearances
  3. Personal information including attendance; dress code; grievances; media and social media; non-discrimination and resignation.
  4. Governance information including confidentiality; non-disclosure; privacy; conflicts of interest and ethics.
  5. Health and safety information including emergency volunteers; child protection; risk management; bullying and harassment; dealing with difficult customers; manual handling; first aid; safety assessments and incident reporting.

You’ll undertake short competency quizzes to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of these key foundational areas; and upon successful completion you’ll be awarded a Certificate of Competency.

Who is this course for?

We strongly recommend all current Committee members of every not-for-profit community group and sporting club, based, or operating, within Junee Shire immediately undertake the Volunteer Induction Course.

Once the Committee all have their Certificate of Competency, then we strongly suggest that the Committees encourage all the other volunteers within your organisation take the course.

It’s free of charge and can be taken at a time suitable for each participant — so there is no reason not get started immediately 🙂

Commence Volunteer Induction Course

You’ll need to register for a Free account with iClick2Learn.

commence volunteer induction course »