Register for the Junee Community Directory

Junee Shire Map

As part of the Start-up Grants of the Investing in Rural Community Futures fund, Junee received funding to develop an online Community Directory listing all the 100+ Community and Sporting organisations that are based, or operate, within Junee Shire.

Junee Shire includes, but isn’t limited to, the villages and towns of Bethungra, Dirnaseer, Eurongilly, Harefield, Illabo, Junee, Junee Reefs, Old Junee, Wallacetown, and Wantabadgery.

The Junee Community Directory will be accessible by the general public to find, and learn more about our local community and sporting groups. The leadership teams of the different Community and Sporting groups will also be able to utilise the Directory to develop networks and relationships with other like-minded organisations.

The Directory will be published online at (and we are investigating options on the viability of producing a physical printed version of the directory).

To help us gather the required information to produce the Junee Community Directory, we ask that you complete the Registration Form below.

Information collected from this form will also assist Junee Community Network to better tailor services and information for different community and sporting organisations.

Before you start

  • This registration form will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
  • NOTE: There is NO option to Save the form and resume later. It must be completed in a single session.
  • We recommend you read through all the Questions AND the Explanatory Notes BEFORE commencing filling out the form, as you may need to look some information up first.
  • When completing the form you can click on the (?) next to each question to jump to the Explanatory Note relevant to that question.
  • ALL fields are required to be completed, unless otherwise noted.
  • We recommend that one of your organisations Office Bearers complete the form eg President, Secretary or Public Officer.

    Registration Form

    ALL fields are required, unless otherwise indicated


    For Publication

    The information supplied in this section will be used to create an entry for your organisation in the Junee Community Directory.

    We reserve the right to edit supplied content prior to publication.



    Not For Publication

    This section is OPTIONAL, but we strongly encourage you to complete it
    The information supplied below will NOT be published in the Junee Community Directory. We are gathering these details to help us better tailor services and information to your group.


    About Your Organisation


    Officer Bearers (?)


    Committee Meetings




    Other Comments


    Agreement (?)

    This section is REQUIRED.

    Explanatory Notes

    For Publication Section


    Group Name: Please supply the full, legal, name of your organisation.
    You can search for your legal name using the Australian Business Register Search


    Website: We recommend ALL Community and Sporting Groups have a website — even a basic one with Contact Information (email, phone no, address) and a brief description about what your group does. There are many free and inexpensive options available.

    Many Grants Applications require you to have a website as part of the application process. Even if they don’t, grant assessors often check to see if the applicant group has a website or not, and if the information contained in the application matches what the website says.


    Facebook: Many people will try and look your organisation up on Facebook, so we suggest you create a Facebook Page (or group) for your organisation.

    If the address of your Facebook Group or Page contains a string of ‘random numbers’ eg then you should update it to become a custom web address or username eg

    To create a custom web address for your Facebook Group, please read How do I create a custom web address for a Facebook group I admin section under the Customize Your Group.

    To create a username (custom web address) for your Facebook Page, please read How do I create a username for my Facebook page?.


    Contact Email: We STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you setup a dedicated email address for your organisation rather than using a personal email address of say your current secretary. Be sure to check it frequently — once a week minimum, more frequently if you can.

    The simplest way is to setup a free Gmail account eg

    The better solution is to have a address that matches your website address eg This is usually included as part of good web hosting services.


    Contact Phone: Again, we STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you have a dedicated phone number for your organisation rather than relying on the personal mobile or home phone number of on your committee members.

    There are many inexpensive mobile phone plans available for as little as $5 per month with unlimited national calls and text. Although you may wish to consider a slightly higher plan that includes a reasonable amount of data, especially if your chosen handset can handle email, web browsing and social media etc.

    Likewise, there are a number of inexpensive, basic, mobile handsets that can be purchased for under $100. Again you may wish to consider a more featured phone (that can handle email, access your Facebook page, do internet banking etc)


    Group Description: This information is what we’ll use to promote your group in the directory.

    Be descriptive eg don’t just write “We are a group that supports Apple Eaters” instead tell us which apples you eat, why your group support them.

    There is no need to include meeting times nor locations in this section. They are covered further down.

    You must write at least 200 characters (approx 20 words) and you are limited to 2,000 characters (approx 200-250 words). Note this limit includes spaces, punctuation and carriage returns.

    NOTE: We reserve the right to edit this information prior to publication.


    Feature Image: Use an eye-catching image… either your organisations logo or a photo showing people participating at one of your events.

    Images should be .jpg, .jpeg or .png. Image size should be a minimum of 1280×1024 pixels and 300 pixels/inch.

    If you get an error message about the file size, please download this image and then attach it to the form.
    Once you’ve submitted the form, please email us the actual image you’d like to use.


    Location: This where your organisation’s primary activities that are open to the public occur. This may be different, or the same, to your Committee Meeting’s location. List your ACTIVITY Location here.


    Meeting Date: Most groups have regular activities or events each month. Be as detailed as possible.

    eg “First Monday of each month, except January”
    or a Sporting Club may list “Training Nights: During Winter, Every Wednesday for under 15s and Every Thursday for over 15s”
    or a Festival or Event may list “Last weekend in November”

    If you have a particularly complex list of “Event Dates and Times” please feel free to expand upon them in the Other Comments section at the end of the form.


    Meeting Time: List the time your activity typically commences for the public to attend. eg if you have a ‘closed’ Committee Meeting one hour prior to Main Event, list the Event time, not the Committee Meeting time


    Meeting Location: List the Street Address and Building Number (assume people have no idea where your meeting are held and will want to enter into a GPS. List the Building Name if appropriate.

    eg: “Junee Ex-Services Club, Broadway, Junee” or “Dirnaseer Hall, 3211 Dirnaseer Road, Dirnaseer”


    Category: These categories will help us group different Community Groups together in the Junee Community Directory, as well help us identify potential grant and funding opportunities.

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    Not For Publication Section

    The information supplied in this section will NOT be published in the Junee Community Directory. We are gathering these details to help us better tailor services and information to your group.

    About Your Organisation Section



    Assocation Type: Most Community Groups, and a large percentage of Sporting Groups will be Incorporated. If your group has an Incorporation Number (see below) you are Incorporated. If you don’t have one, you are most likely Unincorporated.

    Some larger groups like Rotary, Lions and Red Cross may actually be operating under a ‘charter’ or agreement from a ‘parent organisation’. The local branch may also be Incorporated in its’ own right — If your branch is, please select Incorporated rather than Chartered. If your group is a Registered Trust or a Land Manager, please specify so in the Other field.


    Association Number: You can search for your Incorporation Number and ABN using the Australian Business Register Search


    ABN: Many grants now require the recipient organisation to have an Australian Business Number.

    It free to register to an ABN. NOTE: Unless your non-profit organisation has an annual turnover of $150,000 or more your organisation DOES NOT HAVE TO REGISTER FOR GST.

    If you have any questions regarding an ABN or GST for your organisation, please contact an accountant or the ATO


    Constitution: If your organisation is Incorporated or operating under a Charter, you’ll have a legal Constitution (often referred to as “Rules of Association” in other states) that defines how your organisation operates.

    Most organisations will probably use the Model Constitution, as supplied by Fair Trading NSW. We STRONGLY SUGGEST that majority of Community and Sporting Organisations are best served by adopting the Model Constitution and that you do not alter it

    If you have a Customised Constitution, ensure that you include a section that specifies your organisation is non-profit (see Section 41 of the Model Constitution for an example).

    Many Grant Applications now require you to include a copy of your Constitution to prove your organisation is a Not for Profit.


    Charity and Tax Status: We ask for this information so we can help identify potential grants and other funding opportunities that your organisation by qualify to apply for. Many grants require the applicant organisation to have an ABN, be registered for GST, have DGR status, be a Registered Charity, or any combination of these and other requirements.

    You can search for if your organisation is a Registered Charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission using the ACNC Register Search

    You can search for if your organisation is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipients, along with your Association Number and ABN, using the Australian Business Register Search

    Seek the advice of a registered Accountant or legal advice to determine which, if any, Charity or Tax Statuses would be of benefit to your organisation

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    Office Bearers Section

    This section lets you provides the Name and direct email address of some of the primary Office Bearers within your organisation — Your President/Chairperson, Secretary and Public Officer.

    Every Incorporated Association has a Public Officer, who is APPOINTED by the Committee. They have specific legal requirements and responsibilities. Sometimes an organisation’s Public Officer is also the Secretary, but often it is not.

    If you don’t know who your current Public Officer is, please contact Fair Trading NSW to find out who is currently registered for your organisation (You should also confirm your Official Address at the same time as this often needs to be included with Grant Applications).

    If you wish to appoint a new Public Officer, or change your Official Address, complete a “Notice of appointment of public office and notice of change of association address (form A9)” and submit it to Fair Trading NSW within 28 days of the new appointment.

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    Committee Meetings


    Committee Meeting Date: Often organisations, especially Sporting Clubs, have different dates for their primary activities and their committee meetings. Please list the dates your Committee typically meets eg “Third Thursday of each month, except December”


    Committee Meeting Attendance: Please indicate who is allowed to attend your committee meetings. Some organisations have “closed” committee meetings where only the Committee and Invited Guests attend, others have more open meetings.


    Annual General Meeting Date: This will provide us a timely reminder to send a request for your organisation’s details and records to be updated (eg new President, Secretary and Public Officer names and contact details to be updated) and to confirm the current Junee Community Directory listing is still current and correct. return to form ↑


    Interests Section

    This section will help us determine the types of activities and support services we could provide to Community and Sporting Groups, including, but not limited to;

    • Seminars, Workshops & Training Sessions
    • Articles and Blog Posts

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    Other Comments Section

    This section is optional! But feel free to elaborate on any of the above responses, or supply additional information.

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    Agreement Section

    Please have a single person, authorised by your Committee, submit the Registration Form

    To submit the form, please answer the random mathematical question. Note this will change any time you try submitting the form and an error occurs (eg you didn’t provide a response to a particular question)

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